
Cynthia Cortes Receives Minigrant Award


Congratulations for Cynthia Cortes for receiving a Minigrant Award for her undergraduate research on "Experimental Characterization of Lift-Off and Inertial Focusing of Microchips in Rectangular Microchannels". Her research is with Raymond Yeung, PhD candidate and is related to our NSF collaborative grant with Professor Brisk and Grover. From this work, we were able to spin off a subtopic on ordering microchips in a helical flow microchamber. Here we want to know if the system structure could establish a natural ordering fluid dynamic with the irregular microchips. The significance of this work is borne from an industrial interest to use labeled microchips in a rapid sorting mechanism, to generate unique builds of specific chips.  Cynthia’s posed an important question as to whether conventional inertial sorting techniques can be used for rectangular shaped objects in a flow field. We look forward to Cynthia's research findings.