
Our Work on Significance of H2O2 in Ascorbate Cancer Therapy Published in FRB&M

By V. G. J. Rodgers |
Riverside, Ca –
Dieanira Erudaitius
Dr. Dieanira Erudaitius

Our publication entitled "Calculated Cell-specific Intracellular Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration: Relevance in Cancer Cell Susceptibility During Ascorbate Therapy" is published in Free Radical Biology and Medicine. This research culminated the doctoral efforts Dr. Dieanira Erudaitius in measuring cell properties related to the cellular transport and reactions of hydrogen peroxide during ascorbate therapy for pancreatic and glioblastoma cell lines. The results showed that intracellular hydrogen peroxide concentration is signficant in susceptible cells but there was no direct correlation between intracellular concentration and cell susceptibility in general.