
Latest News for September 17th, 2024

Former B2Ker, Etchi Ako, Passes PhD Qualifier in Vision Science at Berkeley

Former B2Ker, Etchi Ako, passed her PhD qualifier today at UC Berkeley. Etchi graduated from the B2K in 2022 and is now studying Vision Science under the training of Distinguished Professor Marla Feller. Etchi's research is entitled "The Impact of Autism Spectrum Disorder on Retinal Development". Congratulations to Etchi and we wish her the best...

Mandy Receives Minigrant to Present at BMES

Mandy Hsieh received a minigrant to support her travel to the annual BMES Conference in Baltimore in October, 2024 to present her work on crowding effects on the dissociation constant of CyPet-SUMO1 and YPet-Ubc9 in the presence of high concentrations of bovine serum albumin. Ray and Alan will also be presenting at the meeting.