

B2K News

Concentrating Osmometer

March 6, 2019

Manuscript on Concentrating Osmometer Accepted in Review of Scientific Instruments

Chris Hale is first author on our manuscript that describes the success of the concentrating osmometer. The manuscript will be in published form in April.


January 2, 2019

Manuscript on Developing Microparticles for Pulmonary DNA Delivery is Now Published in AAPS PharmSciTech.

Our collaborative work with Professor Ali Salem in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics at The University of Iowa is now published. The manuscript is the primary work of Dr. Treniece Terry and sets the stage for the development of poly(lactic acid)-co-monomethoxy poly(ethylene glycol) (PLA-mPEG) microparticles for deliver of polymer-DNA complex utilizing polyethylene imine (PEI) and DNA. The long-term goal is to provide method to treat pulmonary diseases. 

Raymond Yeung

September 29, 2018

Ray Yeung Presents Poster at the 2018 BMES Annual Meeting on October 18, 2018.

Ray presented his latest work entitled "Modeling Particle-Particle Interactions In The Transport Of Non-Spherical Particles In Microfluidic Channels" at the BMES Annual Meeting on Thursday, October 18, 2018 in the "Micro/Nano Fluidic Engineering and Lab-on-Chip Systems" session as part of the Nano and Micro Technologies track from 9:30am - 5:00pm. Ray's work is also co-authored by Professors William Grover and Philip Brisk.

Chris Hale

September 7, 2018

Christopher S. Hale Successfully Defends PhD Thesis Entitled "Application of Direct Osmotherapy for Spinal Cord Injury and Other Aspects of Crowded Protein Osmotic Pressure"

In Chris' research, he successfully developed an Osmotic Transport Device (OTD) to reduce cerebral edema in the rat model in his interdisciplinary research with Professor Devin Binder in the School of Medicine. He also successfully developed a concentrating osmometer to produce osmotic pressure profiles from one sample. Chris also showed that, in the crowded protein solution, variations in anions from the Hofmeister series alter protein hydration and ion binding. Chris is planning his next step to join the medical device industry. Congratulations Chris!

Professor V G J Rodgers

September 6, 2018

Professor Rodgers presented at the City of Hope, Argyros Faculty Research Forum on September 13, 2018

In his presentation, Professor Rodgers will overview the potential of the Osmotic Transport Device (OTD) for reducing brain swelling and delivering therapeutics for severe stroke patients.

brain cells

 August 17, 2018

Professors Victor G. J. Rodgers and Byron Ford Receive NIH Award to Develop a Device for Improving Outcomes Following Decompressive Hemicraniectomy for Severe Stroke Patients

This $390,000 NIH R21 award combines the interdisciplinary concepts of a Osmotic Transport Device (OTD) with drug delivery of the neuroprotective agent NRG-1 to reduce cerebral edema and stimulate cellular recovery. The grant begins September 1, 2018 and continues through August, 2020. 


 August 3, 2018

New Publication in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B

Our manuscript entitled "Interrogating the Osmotic Pressure of Self-Crowded Bovine Serum Albumin Solutions: Implications of Specific Monovalent Anion Effects Relative to the Hofmeister Series" is published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, an ACS Publication, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2018, 122 (33), pp 8037–804, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b07000. We are excited about this work as it demonstrated the use of the Free Solvent-Based (FSB) osmotic pressure model can be used to glean the interactions of protein and solution in some of the most crowded environments. Chris Hale is the first author.

FRBM Paper

May 18, 2018

Manuscript on Intracellular H2O2 in Ascorbate Therapy Cancer Treatment Published in FRB&M

Our publication entitled "Calculated Cell-specific Intracellular Hydrogen Peroxide Concentration: Relevance in Cancer Cell Susceptibility During Ascorbate Therapy" is published in Free Radical Biology and Medicine. This research culminated the efforts of Dieanira Erudaitius in measuring cell properties related to the cellular transport and reactions of hydrogen peroxide during ascorbate therapy for pancreatic and glioblastoma cell lines. The results showed that intracellular hydrogen peroxide concentration is significant in susceptible cells but there was no direct correlation between intracellular concentration and cell susceptibility in general. 

Particle Image

August 5, 2017

Rodgers co-PIs with Brisk and Grover on $1.1 Million NSF Grant on Secure Cyber-Physical DNA Manufacturing